Winter 2016 Schedule

January 12, 3:30 pm
Lisa Schwab (University of Goettingen)
“Bridging Past and Present via Virgil in Humanist Descriptions of Rome”
February 2, 3:30 pm
Glenn Most (Social Thought, UChicago)

“Bifocal Reception: Hecuba vs. The Trojan Women”

February 16, 3:30 pm
Rebekah Spearman (Classics, UChicago)
“Eros and Error in Plutarch’s Life of Alexander”
February 25, 3:30 pm
Joy Connolly (Classics, NYU)
“Another Anxiety of Influence: Imitating Virtue in 18th Century Revivals of Rome”
Please note that this talk will be on a Thursday!
March 1, 3:30 pm
David Wray (Classics, UChicago)
“Stoic Moral Perfectionism and the Queer Art of Failure”
March 4, 1:30 pm
Nancy Worman (Classics, Barnard/Columbia)
“Aesthetics and Politics in the Poetics” Please note that this talk will be on a Friday at an unusual time!
Please note that this talk will be on a Friday at an unusual time!