The Semiotics Workshop

The Semiotics Workshop Spring 2016 Schedule


April 7th – “Semiotic Affordances and Constraints at a Yucatec Maya Radio Station”

Chris Bloechl

PhD Candidate, Anthropology

University of Chicago

Discussant: Hannah McElgunn, Anthropology


April 21st – “Andino-futurism, Tupak Katari in space, and Decolonizing Time during Bolivia’s Pacha Kuti

Karl Swinehart

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

University of Louisville

Discussant: Chris Bloechl, Anthropology


May 4th – “Linguistic Manifestations in Encounters of Loss”

Barbra Meek

Associate Professor, Anthropology

University of Michigan

(Joint workshop with Language Variation and Change)


May 6th and 7th – Michicagoan Graduate Student Conference in Linguistic Anthropology


May 19th – TBA

Giovanni Ricci

PhD Candidate, Anthropology

University of Chicago

Discussant: Zeb Dingley, Anthropology


June 2nd – TBA

Britta Ingebretson

PhD Candidate, Anthropology and Linguistics

University of Chicago